Google Assistant adds new features to Snapshot that makes your tasks easier

According to the recent blog post by Google, the helpful Snapshot feature is expanding its branches and will include more features which, in turn, could perform a variety of tasks. Google Assistant Snapshot feature was launched a few years ago and it mostly received positive feedback.

Snapshot could help the users organize their daily lives easily. The Google Assistant Snapshot feature included information cards for the upcoming schedule, daily commute time, and also showed the recent online orders, to name a few. The reminder support has always been helpful, and the developers at Google have noticed it. Moreover, after the launch of the feature, the developers are adding extra new features to it.

The expanded reminders support will increase the number of services offered by Snapshot. Now using the Snapshot the user could see upcoming birthdays and holidays. When a birthday card pops up in the Snapshot feature, the user can tap on the card to see suggestions for a number of things like calling, texting, or even singing a personalized birthday song.

The snapshot will also improve and expand upon its recommendations. Before the new features were added, the users would see more general recommendations for things like Google searches and streaming a playlist. However, now using the personal data provided by the user, Google Assistant Snapshot now can recommend new recipes, podcasts, and nearby restaurants that deliver.

The developers at Google had mentioned that the Snapshot feature would not be static. The Snapshot feed will dynamically change throughout the day based on the user’s interactions with Assistant and will suggest new things based on the time of day.

The three new sites that Google is focusing on are aggregation, acceleration and automation. The aggregation will accumulate all the tasks in one place, acceleration will help the user get the tasks done faster, and automation falls under the future of the Snapshot.

In addition to new reminders and recommendations, users can easily see their snapshot by simply saying, “Hey Google, show me my day.” Users can also see their Snapshot by activating Google Assistant and tapping on the icon in the bottom left corner.

Via TechGenyz
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