How to get business investors through Instagram? Know these 4 pro tips

As you all know, Instagram is one of the most popular social media websites out there, and right now, it has turned into an intriguing business platform. Today, most of the brands, agencies, and also small businesses have an Instagram account and start a partnership with each other, get more followers, and hence, more customers. So, why don’t you try to be one of them? Well, it may be a bit tricky to connect and get business investors through Instagram and start a partnership with. But here, we teach you some tips that can boost the process and help you achieve your goals in a shorter period of time.

Obviously, getting business investors through Instagram needs a nice combination of eye-catching posts, successful marketing strategies, and an appropriate brand voice for the platform. So, in this article, we teach you to combine all your abilities and get business investors through Instagram.

#1 Build trust to get business investors through Instagram

Definitely, if you want to get business investors through Instagram, you need to make them trust you. But how? Well, this may take time, and you have to be patient. Obviously, this is not a thing that can be done in a few weeks or even months. But, it is not hard to build trust on social media websites like Instagram. All you have to do is to:

  • Keep interacting with your followers
  • Share user-generated content on your posts and stories
  • Ask customers to review your products and share their feedback
  • Provide an insider’s view
  • And keep sharing high-quality content on a regular schedule.

#2 Engage with your potential investors

If you want to get business investors through Instagram, you have to show them that you are out there! But how? Well, this is a bit tricky. First of all, you have to identify your business and also your goal. Before going to attract a business investor on Instagram, answer these questions:

  • What are my products and services?
  • Who do I want to attract as a customer?
  • What characteristics should my investor have? But how do these help you?

Let’s answer it with a simple example. Take a look at @thenorthface’s Instagram account:

As you can guess from their Instagram highlights, posts, and bio, they sell clothing, footwear, and outdoor equipment for sports lovers. So, a potential investor must be interested in sports, have a great number of followers who love sports and want to invest in these types of equipment. Hence, a professional mountain climber, athletes, or even fitness influencers can be a good investor for their business.

But now, a more important question arises: “How to attract a business investor?” Well, the answer is to engage with their posts and make them come and check your Instagram account. Actually, if to get business investors on Instagram, you have to follow them, like their posts, comment and DM them, tag them on your posts and etc. But due to the strict Instagram action limits, you have to make sure that you are not overreacting to attract an investor. Just choose 5-10 potential investors that you think may fall in love with your business, and start interacting with them in a non-spammy manner.

#3 Keep consistent

Obviously, the key to success in everything that you do in your life is consistency. You have to keep consistent to achieve your goals, no matter what they are. So, if you have tried so hard to attract an investor, but still don’t have one, never ever give up! Just keep up the good job and wait for the reward.

But how? Well, try to posy high-quality and original content, post at the best time possible, reply to all the DMs and comments you receive, and post on a regular basis. This not only helps you get an investor for your business but also create an amazing brand advocate for your business and helps you grow organically in a really short period of time.

#4 Start influencer marketing to get business investors on Instagram

A great way to get business investors through Instagram and make them invest in your business is to start a partnership with an influencer in your niche, especially if you have just started your business, and it is still a small one. In the past few years, influencer marketing has become really popular among social media marketers, and the reason is obvious.

Most of the business accounts on Instagram want to be seen and get followers. In this way, it is rational to ask someone with a great number of followers to share your products and influence people to choose you as their favorite brand. Here’s an example of a partnership with an Instagram influencer:

So, start trying influencer marketing, get followers, grow on Instagram, and then, you’ll see that amazing brands and agencies will fall into your business and want to be your investor. So, find an influencer related to your niche and click here to see how to work with influencers.

Final thoughts

To sum it up, Instagram is an amazing platform to benefit small businesses and helps you grow in a short period of time. In addition to all the amazing features it has, it has turned into a platform where people and brands help each other to grow more and achieve their goals. In this way, if you have just started your business and look for an investor, Instagram can literally help. Just take a look at the mentioned tips and get business investors through Instagram.

Via TechGenyz
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