New version of Xiao AI will perform smarter and multiple tasks with ease

Xiao AI, the intelligent assistant used in Xiaomi devices has been launched with a new version. The new version is said to have the “puff voice” of the children, face-to-face interpretation simultaneously as well as active prompts like the multiple one-sentence actions.

Children’s speech recognition, remote voice control, language support for Cantonese and online teaching aid access and more are being seen as options of adding to the assistant. These will not come in before September 2020.

On the 10th anniversary of Xiaomi, Lei Jun had announced the introduction of a baby “puff” voice and now in Xiao AI, after the updates, the user can choose the tone from the settings or ask the assistant –

change the tone to the one for children

The translation support in the assistant encapsulates voice support, text, and photo translation among other things. By using the new face-to-face interpretation, it will be possible to speak even during the translation and thus the portability and handiness of the translator can be understood from this. Now, “N things can be done in one sentence by the assistant. In spite of having several connected devices, the single command will be able to perform the series of complex pre-set tasks effortlessly, saving our time and worry.

For example, if you command “Turn on the fan and switch off the robot vacuum cleaner” – both these can be performed simultaneously by the assistant.

It is more like a personal AI housekeeper for all the needs that not only remember everyday tasks but also suggest active smart control like checking the temperature at home. If you ask the assistant about the weather and suggest you switch on the fan and the air-conditioner if the weather is too hot and humid.

Thus with the use of Xiao AI, our daily chores will become easier as a single assistant can control all the smart devices and make them work according to our necessities.

Via TechGenyz
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