Five unique ways VR technology can be used

Virtual reality is a relatively new type of technology that has been growing rapidly over the last few years. Although it’s primarily known for being used for gaming, there are numerous other uses for VR technology, and some of them might surprise you.


As mentioned, VR is mainly used for gaming, but it can also be used for other entertainment purposes too, such as unique VR experiences. There are numerous 360 videos which are compatible with VR headsets on YouTube and other video sites, for example, allowing you to experience a roller coaster or other similar experience through VR.

Although there aren’t many movies available in VR, many film studios have released special experiences based on their popular movies which can be extremely entertaining and fun to try out.

Online retail shopping

Online retail is getting more popular, and retailers have now realized they can use VR to make online shopping easier for customers.

Alibaba reportedly launched a VR-focused service in 2017, allowing customers to explore a virtual store and check out items before purchasing them. Although it hasn’t happened, we can see some clothing retailers eventually launching VR tools that allow customers to try on outfits over a customizable body to see how they fit and look before purchasing them. Now, wouldn’t that be great?

Online gambling

VR technology is also being used with the online gambling market. Popular casino game developer, NetEnt has already launched several VR adaptations of its famous video slots, allowing users to experience casino games in a brand and very personalized way.

In addition, one online casino website has even launched a fully-compatible VR casino that customers can walk around in and enjoy. Technology here is still somewhat limited but is expected to grow within the coming years as VR becomes more accessible. To stay up-to-date, you might want to consider bookmarking, a website dedicated to online casino gaming.

Education and Learning

One of the biggest uses of VR is for education and learning. For example, virtual reality headsets are often used to train those in the healthcare industry to prepare them for working with people.

There are also numerous apps available which use VR as a way to help teach new skills or improve existing ones, and there are educational apps designed to help people learn through immersive experiences.


Finally, VR is often associated with tourism as many people and organizations have released VR-compatible videos and experiences which allow you to view and experience a destination from the comfort of your own home. These special experiences or videos can even help you decide on where to holiday, which can be extremely helpful if you’re somewhat indecisive!

VR For Tourism
Women using VR Outside | Image credit: Bradley Hook/Pexels

As you can see, there are numerous ways VR technology can be utilized outside of gaming, and we’ve only covered the tip of the iceberg! VR technology can also be used in sports, for space exploration, for virtual tours, for manufacturing and architecture, and so much more. The possibilities for VR technology are endless, and as the technology grows and it becomes more accessible, we can expect even more groundbreaking uses.

Via TechGenyz
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