How to use animation explainer videos for your business

Animated explainer videos are the videos that live on your homepage and tell your visitors exactly who you are in one or two minutes.

But, do not underestimate these trusty videos as their versatility makes them easily adaptable to any business model or practice.

Great explainer videos will grab your viewers’ attention and make them listen to exactly what you want to say. Undoubtedly, explainer videos are the most powerful marketing tool on the internet.

They are the attention-grabber that will convey your message more effectively. When produced in the right way, your audience will not be able to take their eyes off of these videos.

Here are a few ideas on how to use animation explainer videos for your business:

Use the videos for sales pitches

Coming up with new business ideas can be a nerve-wracking idea especially if you have to make investors believe in the idea too. You will want to get your explanation just right.

The use of animated explainer videos may be the perfect way to do it. Not only will your presentation be engaging but it will also show how creative and innovative you are.

All you need to do is walk into the boardroom, open with a declarative statement, sell one or two features, present the video and finish with an open-ended question. Needless to say, your sales pitch will work like a charm.

Adopt the videos in email marketing campaigns

Animated explainer videos will take your marketing campaign a notch higher. Even better is the fact that these videos are versatile enough to be incorporated in different ways.

You can incorporate your videos into your email workflow. For instance, users will have to provide their email address for more amazing content before watching a video. This gives you an opportunity to convert leads.

Secondly, you could use explainer videos as post-sales tools. When your customer buys a product, then it could be accompanied by a video on how to assemble or use the product. This re-engages your customers in incredible ways.

Use the videos in internal company training

The importance of company training and onboarding cannot be overstated. Usually, the first few days of employment are critical for long-term employment success.

Unlike the spoken word, animated explainer videos are powerful training tools that are repeatable, thus can be revisited.

As such, all your hires can get the same level of information with the same value. And if they missed anything, they can always go back to the videos and re-watch them.

Add more value to your business with Animation Explainer Videos

The use of great animation is the best way to break down complex information. Additionally, it shows off your brand’s personality and makes you stand out from the crowd.

It will elevate communication with your target audience. Most importantly, these videos will allow you to create an emotional connection with anyone who views them and build an exciting foundation for the growth and development of your business.

Via TechGenyz
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