Realme had announced the Realme Watch 2 Pro back in May, and the smartwatch will finally get launched in India on July 23rd, 2021 alongside the Realme Buds Wireless 2 Neo earphones. Amazon India set up a dedicated page for the same occasion.
The Buds Wireless 2 Neo pack features 11.2mm Bass Boost Drivers and comes with a low latency of 88ms. The earphones are also IPX4 water-resistant. The Chinese tech giant has not specified the exact size of the Buds Wireless 2 Neo’s battery; however, the company has made a claim that the earphone would provide up to 17 hours of playback. A quick 10-minutes charge could offer up to two hours of playback. The Buds Wireless 2 Neo come in three colors – Black, Blue, and Green.
The Realme Watch 2 Pro supports IP68 dust and water-resistant and comes with a built-in dual-satellite GPS. There’s also Smart AIoT Control, which will let you control your Realme AIoT devices right from your wrist with the smartwatch. Moreover, the smartphone features a 1.75-inch of color touch-screen and supports over 100 watch faces.
The smartwatch runs on a 390 mAh battery which offers up to 14 days of service. Additionally, it also comes with 90 sports modes, a heart rate monitor, and an oxygen level monitor. Usual health and fitness features such as sleep tracking and sedentary reminder are also included in its feature. The Realme Watch 2 Pro, on the other hand, will have two color options – Black and Grey.
Realme had unveiled the Realme Watch 2 back in April, and it is not yet clear if the watch will debut alongside the Watch 2 Pro in India next week, but there is a high chance that the Watch 2 will join the Pro variant in India on July 23.
Via TechGenyz
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