Hyundai and General Motors to come up with flying taxis

Although there are active debates as to whether technology improves the lives of human beings, the application, as well as the implication of the same, is not restricted. Scientists are coming with inventions in almost every alternative day. On the 14th of June, it has been confirmed from some reputed sources (Reuters) that Hyundai Motors and General Motors are joining hands to develop cars that would fly

The South Korea-based company, Hyundai is optimistic about launching the first flying taxi within the next 4 years. The CEO of the company, Munoz, said that he expects the air taxi to operate within pivotal U.S. airports by 2028. The US-based General Motors, on the other hand, is with the thought that 2025 is too early for the launch of the flying taxi service and that it might take another 8-9 years. The company further said that there are high chances that the new flying taxi service would overcome barriers and gain legal authorization by the year 2030.

The upcoming air taxis are said to be backed up by electric batteries, having a capacity of a maximum of 6 persons. The benefit of this new invention lies in the fact that it can transport commuters from highly dense areas of the city to the airport without facing the hassle of traffic.

The CEO of Hyundai told Reuters that they intend to broaden their sphere of service by not restricting it to domestic users. Munoz also added that they are planning to use the service for commercial purposes as well and shifting cargo being one of them.

Thus it is needless to say that the developers are quite futuristic in their approach. In the words of Munoz, the CEO of Hyundai, it is never too early “When it comes to future technology” and that “the pioneers are the winners”

Via TechGenyz
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